Customer Journey Ops seeks to understand, optimise, and streamline the customer experience. Adopting this approach enables organisations to deliver tailored and seamless interactions, promoting customer satisfaction, loyalty, and lasting prosperity.
We are inviting you to a peer-to-peer meetup to network and discuss the topic at our brand-new office in Hakaniemi, Helsinki on 24.5.2023. During the morning you get to enjoy breakfast and meet colleagues from different fields who are interested in the same topic. You will also hear an inspirational keynote and insightful panel discussion and be able to participate in a facilitated discussion to share your thoughts about the topic.
Date: May 24, 2023
Time: 9 am-Noon
Place: Digitalist office, Ympyrätalo, Siltasaarenkatu 18-20 C, Helsinki
9:00 Breakfast & Mingling
9:30 Keynote: “Mastering Customer Centricity Through Customer Journey Ops”
10:45 Panel Discussion: “Creating and Implementing Customer Journey Ops”
11:30 Facilitated Discussion around the topic
12:00 Meetup Concludes
Register now to secure your spot and be part of this insightful event!